Haley Nixon

Join Apple Signs In Making A Difference With The Light House Sept. 15th!

Get in on the Run!!! Sept 15.

Apple Signs Inc. supports The Light House Shelter and its causes to assist those in need in our area. Please consider contributing time and/or donations to help others in our community facing homelessness and shelter insecurity.

The Light House, a homeless prevention and support center, is located at 10 Hudson Street in Annapolis. Its mission is to help rebuild lives with compassion by providing shelter and services to prevent homelessness and empower people as they transition toward self-sufficiency. They strive to break the cycle of homelessness by providing a place of belonging, life-changing programs, and a broad continuum of support to people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. With your support, and that of others like you, the Friends of The Light House will continue to be able to provide support to The Light House and enable its staff to provide much-needed services to the citizens of Anne Arundel County. Since the Friends of The Light House consists of volunteer board members and only one staff person, a full 90% of what we raise goes directly to support the operating expenses of The Light House.

Friends of The Light House

A post from Dawn Smith on Friends of The Light House provided by: https://friendslhs.org